
ASCII Art Generator

Image Processing

A simple ASCII art generator that I made in an hour. It's very basic, but really fun to play around with. Also, it's simple and easy to modify.

ASCII Art Generator Logo.

Brief description of the algorithm

  1. Set width and height of the font
  2. Choose a grayscale ramp
  3. Upload an image
  4. Convert it to grayscale
  5. Select tiles (of font’s width x height) from the image
    1. Compute the average brightness of each tile
    2. Map the brightnessof each tile to a character from the ramp
    3. Concatenate the characters to form the ASCII art

How 2 use


  • Python
  • PIL

Run the script with the following command:

python "path/to/image"

Have fun!


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.